Friday, August 22, 2008

Magic carpet afire

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About Me

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Black Mountain, North Carolina, United States
I am a 60 yr. old female. Love reading, crafting, painting, beading,making fractals on Apophysis, 'flaking' on PopularFronts' Make a Snowflake site and playing with my four beautiful grandchildren. That is obviously them in the picture since those are such lovely kids. They can't seem to make up their minds about what to call me. With the first one(Chloe, 8yrs.) I was MeMaw for a long time. Same with the second(Kohlton)Then the 3rd(Chastin) and 4th (Shelby Lyn) came along and everything changed. Shelby Lyn called me Mimi so every one else liked that better and started using that. Now that has shortened to Meem. Maybe this one will stick.